The claims management team is the heartbeat of the insurance company.

If you haven’t got that right, it’s a quick trip to the bottom of the pile. For claims managers, they should have two focuses: the ROI (return on investment) for the insurer and ensuring customer satisfaction. To get the best out of your claims managers, consider the three people E’s: Enablement, Efficiency, and Empathy.

Enabling your claims management teams to better communicate and support policyholders through the claims process provides reassurance for the customer and value add for your claims teams. Providing a robust and fit-for-purpose claims management tool is key.

Efficiency develops from constant learning, creative problem solving, and knowing which trends are worth adopting. Prioritizing continual process improvement and building this into company culture will ensure to keep “how could we do this better?” front of mind your teams are enabled to be as efficient as possible.

Empathy is at the core of claims management as it supports a customer’s positive, personal experience. Empathy plays a key role in reassuring the customer, tapping into three of Maslow’s hierarchy of needs – security, significance, and connection. By building an empathetic relationship, a customer feels heard and significant. By ensuring the customer’s significance, the claim’s manager reassures their security.

This becomes a solid foundation for building good relationships with customers, shoring up the ROI for insurers. And it seems we come full circle.

As we head into CAT season, still walking alongside a world recovering from a pandemic, empathy in communications quickly become two key factors in claims processing efficiency. Insurance News calls out that “claims are being scrutinized more closely” and “claims assessments are becoming more complex”, which shows the potential for slowing down claims processing. You need a system that enables your claims managers to process claims and support customers.

The three people E's


William Mayo

813 263 3580

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